Thursday, July 24, 2008

Poor Sadee :(

Our poor Princess Sadee was attacked for the 2nd time in 5 months on Sunday, July 20th by the same mean and ugly neighbor dog. The owners of this dog feel the need to let their 90+ pound nasty, vicious dog out and randomly and attack my 13 pound dog. She had a very deep puncture wound and the emergency vet couldn't tell what damage had been done by x-rays. Since this injury was right above her kidney, he opened her up put a drain shunt in to hopefully avoid an absess and stitched her up. She has 14 stitches that will remain in for 2 weeks. She almost didn't make it this time, but thanks to Dr. Coleman and 11 hours at the ER vet, she will pull through. I don't understand why people are so mean and cruel.

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