Tuesday, December 16, 2008

For The Love of BOYS!

Ty Salda - 3 years old
Blake Salda and Tyler Asay

Blake Salda and Tyler Asay

Babies....3 year olds....15 year olds.... I love my boys... only 2 of them are my sister Diane's boys. Growing up in a family of five girls, I thought boys were creepy. They were dirty, liked bugs, frogs, snakes and everything a girly girl did not like. Once my sisters and I started having kids, we had boys first. Lynette was first with Justin. Then she had 3 girls. I had Tyler. Cheryl started with Jacob and Jared and 2 girls and Diane has two boys. Boys are great. I would trade all the girls in the world for a boy. There is something about a sweet boy, whether they be 3 months, 3 years or 15 years old. I am grateful to have had a son to teach, raise and love. Tyler has given me the opportunity learn many things, to laugh at him, to cry over him, to fret over, to worry about but mostly to love.

I think about my favorite dessert - white molten lava cake with raspberry sauce, which I discovered at Chili's. I love this dessert... it is delectable. There is something about warm raspberry sauce... I love it. I would love to drizzle warm raspberry sauce over my boy and gobble them up. Is being a cannabal OK... probably not, but loving and oogling over my son is OK. What a delight these boys in my life bring to me.

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