On Sunday, December 6th, the Young Men's president in our ward at church came to collect fast offerings. His name is John Lee and he is a fantastic guy. He asked if Tyler was home. I ran upstairs and told Tyler that John Lee was at the door and told him he asked to speak with him.
Tyler came down to the door and spoke with him as I was getting a check for my fast offerings. After the conversation was over, Tyler turned to me with a glow on his face and asked me if I had heard the conversation. I told him no, I was not listening. He told me that John asked Tyler to baptize his son Jacob who had just turned eight. I asked Tyler if he was worthy to baptize Jacob and he said yes, he was. I asked him if he was planning on baptizing Jacob and he said yes.
Saturday, December 12th came and Tyler went to play football with the youth from church who were playing some of the men in the ward. Afterwards he went to John Lee's house to get the clothes he needed to be able to bapitze Jacob. The baptism was scheduled for 4:00 p.m. We got to the church at 3:40 and Tyler sat nervously and waited until the time to baptize Jacob.
Everything went as planned - it was perfect. There was a new found light in Tyler's eyes. He was glowing as if it was his own baptism.
There was a gathering at the Lee's home afterwards. We attended for a short time prior to Tyler spending the evening with his girlfriend. He told John at his home that he would see him at church on Sunday.
Sunday morning Tyler got up and got ready for church. He attended for the first time in months.
I am grateful for the Lee's, for inspiration and for small December blessings.