Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What's In Your Bag?

I have been thinking about baggage and what we carry around. Just like our lives, sometimes our bags get cluttered with papers, receipts, notes, reminders and other things that we think we need.

I have alot of baggage - sometimes I think that my baggage has inhibited me from finding a mate. An opinionated, single mom with a strong-willed son are not always what men are looking for.

It is time to really evaluate what I am carrying around in my bag. Maybe it is time to unload my excess from my bags and only carry what is necessary.

Right now I am carrying around what seems to be a 2 ton suitcase. It is full of life's lessons learned, my strong-willed son and my beliefs. These are my most prized possessions.

What are you carrying in your bag?

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