Terry Packer, Colleen Asay, Lynette Packer, Janet Asay, Melanie Packer, Tyler Asay, Diane & Blake Salda, Justin Packer, Nicole Packer, Dan Salda, Stephanie Packer, Marilyn Asay
Front: Brad Packer and Blake Salda
This past month has been a crazy busy month. Year end is coming at work and there have been several deadlines that have come and gone and are yet to come for get work completed. I have been coming in early and leaving late, hence little time with Tyler. He is a good sport, but there is also a work/life balance that needs to happen. Since I am the sole support of my little family, sometimes I don't have a choice.
Blake was blessed on November 2nd. It was a great day. Here are some pictures I took off Diane's blog (thanks sister!). If you read her blog, these will be a duplicate, but hopefully you will enjoy them anyway.
There are some exciting in the pipeline for 2009 at work. I work for TIAA-CREF in the wealth management area. I support some spectacular financial advisors and they are both gearing up for some large goals in 2009. I will be a part of both of their teams and am excited to ramp up for a year of great work.
I have so many things to be thankful for... a home, a good son, an extended family, a good job and some sweet friends, especially Jean, Bill & Grandma Welch!
Happy Thanksgiving and love to you all!