Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year - 2009

What a wonderful Christmas season we enjoyed. We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Diane, Dan and their 2 boys Ty and Blake. It was very fun to be with little kids who are so very excited for Christmas.

Tyler got Rock Band for his WII and an XBox 360 (thanks Santa)! Every year there is a great Santa who brings Tyler his one wish. He got to go shopping with an American Eagle gift card from Grandpa Bill and Grandma Jean and got two new shirts and some new jeans, which are now his new favorite jeans. AE had some great deals after Christmas and so his gift card was well spent.

Tyler is very independent and wants to be with his friends. He is learning to drive and is doing very well. I am not nervous riding with him. He is very cautious and takes my driving tidbits to heart. He usually asks after driving how he did and is open to suggestions.

I am not ready for Tyler to grow up regarding girls. He likes a girl from school that he met last year in his German class. She is in his German class again this year. Tyler spent New Year's Eve at Danielle's house. He also met a girl at his friend Brian's birthday party. Amber came over the Friday after Christmas and had a movie day with Tyler. She had her gall bladder out the week before Christmas and was moving rather slow. He spent part of a day at her house last week.

Tyler will be 16 in 6 months. Luckily he won't have his license for another year, since he just got his permit. I have a little time to prepare for this new chapter in our lives.

I'm looking forward to a new year, new goals and new opportunities.

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